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Display images below

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Display images below
This is displayed in email client when one receives mail from new sender.

So why this normally asked?
Many might say that to avoid explicit or porno image. Yeap its true, but not in all cases. Cos these images will have tracker which fetches information about user system and cookies stored in temp folder as well.

Whenever you open a mail from spam folder or new sender never click display images below button but only after ensuring the content is from reliable sender.

Even you can track a mail
There is a website called spypig which renders image to the user as a tracker. Just fill some details like your email id, number of times you need to get notified and image details. It renders an image. All you need to do is copy the image and paste it in your mail or blog or social networking sites’. Each and every time when user views the image you will be notified with a mail to your email id. That’s a cool feature but it’s only for fun.

Think about the other mails which you receive. Like mails from corporate companies with contents like offer letter, Money Transaction, Bank Statement and User Account details. Even these mails might have trackers. Just to see if you opened the mail. They use Email marketing software, which provides them all the necessary features for tracking.

Never forward these sought of mails as your identity can be found. Especially kinds like Offer letter, User Account details!

And if you’re smart and do copy and paste content then mail it to others J.These trackers can be anywhere in the body of email and might not always being visible content. It can be even invisible content (web beacons) and not always an image but even some text.
-This is a web beacon :P

Have Wonderful day. Cheers.


Arunkumar said...

Good work buddy..I thought that option is only for avoiding porno images.Informative..Still a small mistake..The "Display image below" option is displayed for any mails that contains images.(i.e)It is not only for mails from new senders.

Surendar N said...

"often the messages you get with images are from friends or family and there's no reason to worry about your privacy — you just want to see the photo of your newborn niece or the invitation design they're sending you. So, in these cases, we've decided to start displaying images by default. Now, whenever someone you've emailed at least twice sends you a message containing images, you'll see them right away."-content from

Arunkumar said...

Oh i thought in a different way..I got some mails containing images from my contact list..Still that option existed..So I thought like that.Now i'm clear...You are right...

cskishore13 said...

cool info buddy...That too wit a eg site for trackers spypig is very good here after i will use it in my mail....
keep rocking :)

Unknown said...

first the collection of photos and slideshow is beautiful da

and the information about the tracking our details is very useful machi. thanks for your information

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