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England Vs USA Vs Earth Quake Vs Facebook

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Fifa football world cup 2010. Previously I never watch football match like cricket. But now because of 4 things.




4.All my Friends’ Facebook and twitter status updates about the fifa world cup about their favorite super stars and team. Thanks to Facebook mobile and twitter mobile now I can receive all their updates in my mobile as SMS.
made me to watch this season of world cup.

Its 13th June 2010, match started by 12AM, UK made their first goal at 6th minute of first half. To my surprise in the last tenth minute, a terrible mistake from England’s Robert Green gave USA one goal to equal the number. Really ridicules miss by the goalkeeper. Exactly 12:55, I change my posture to sit on sofa, within few seconds felt like traveling in a car. But since the game was with last 5 minutes of first half, I didn’t care about that. Again after some 2 seconds, same feel. OMG what’s happening.

Then Changed to local news channel, SUN NEWS which had banner about the earth quake in Chennai, was hit by many places in and around the city.

I switched on my computer and enter in Google just “Earth Quake in” thanks to AJAX Dropdown it displayed “Earth Quake in Andaman”, “Earth Quake in Chennai”. Now that's called the fast information update. And I clicked on first link which took me to myforecast  there its mentioned magnitude as 6.4 which is somewhat high but I didn’t felt that much. Then I switch off my sys’s monitor with standby mode and went back to match to see if there is any chance for England.

10 minutes later got a sms which says”Slippery Green….” That’s one of my friend updated about the match, and he is in Chennai. Thought none knows about earth quake. With 15 mins remaining in second half my hope towards England lost as I know it’s going to be a draw.

Then logged in to Facebook and Gmail saw many post about football match in FB. Many friends were online in Gmail. I asked Vivek and Sathish “Did you feel that?” Vivek didn’t reply but Sathish with “What?” I told him about earth quake and to see the sun news. Donno what happen he said “oh… ok” and went offline. May be he got afraid. And then came reply from Vivek with usual excitement “Hi thala, what feel”. And just drag and drop what I entered for Sathish to his chat window. He replied with “ahaa”. Guess he even didn’t know about that.

So I updated my FB Status with “When ppl updating their status about football match between England vs. USA... Why not the earth quake... Chennai had earthquake at 12:55 AM”. Soon got a comment”yeah I felt the shake” from a friend. And by seeing my FB status my uncle from US called me and asked about the situation here. I said all are fine. Except me none felt about the earth quake in home.

Vivek updated his status with “People who place their hands on head for longtime and watch FIFA match should change their posture coz u can't differentiate if its ur hand shaking or the me !!” and by seeing it I thought so that must be the reason why many didn’t feel LOL. Finally I went to sleep. And got up by 5:30 AM and check my mobile. Which had many status update about football match from twitter and Facebook. But not even one about the natural disaster.

My mobile rings again thought another update about the match. But to my surprise it Sai with “whatever the natural disaster it may be, either an earth quake or a tornado...people won’t stop updating their status in the Facebook in the very next minute EVEN IF IT IS 1AM.... ( RUN FOR THE LIFE IDIOTS!!-GOD MAY WONDER HOW TIS FACEBOOK IS ROCKING THE WORLD)”. At least one updated about the earth quake.

Sms tone again, status update by Vishnu “Robert Green u comedy....

Just wondered how people are interested in updating their status even while watching match. Donno if they are enjoying the match or want just to update their status. May be they want to share their ecstatic moment with all.

This shows that it’s a universal truth that people will watch match even if there is a tremor and update FB status even if there is tornado.

Have a Cheerful day.


Arunkumar said...

Nice da..

Vivekanandam said...

Watch 2012 movie again and u can c that radio guy in yellowstone will report about the volcano to the world even right before the second he dies...."Always remember folks, you heard it first from Charlie.. "

So everyone wants to be charlie and thats the reason why they update their status in fb and twitter at unearthly hours...

And i think i already explained, why many didn't feel the earthquake, in my status...

Anonymous said...

nice one :-)

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